Ya just ignore this guy.. most people understand what it takes to keep a business open. I've been in your store and you got great friendly staff there. I don't think you need to explain anything to anyone. Keep smiling and don't worry about him .What I should be doing is getting the money I need to get for my store so that we can keep the doors open. Its hard to compare with stores/online retailers in my area when they either hide their prices or they plain just don't have anything like a chevron tang. If I were in Toronto then yes I would compare to stores as you mentioned but with nothing around London that is what I do. I have always tried to beat American pricing because most people go to liveaquaria for quick information when they made be cruising around the store. If they see that my price is better than an American price or close then they know I'm not trying to gouge them for more money then I need to get. I'm not really sure why I'm explaining this to you as I feel my price is fair and if someone else does then they will buy it. If they don't then it is here for the next person.