3rd Annual - London Frag Fest 2015! Sat April 18 2015


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Distinguished Member
Great show! Tons of amazing corals and people. I had to limit myself or I would have spent all my money.

I would like to thank everyone involved. You did a great job.

Salty Cracker

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Website Admin
Dammit, I was seriously going to call it quits after this one, but I may just reconsider, as everyone was seriously awesome this year. Dealing with the hall issues aside, that was almost perfect. I mean my wife and door money are missing still, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence....

Salty Cracker

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Big thanks to Aaron, he took time off to help out, and of course to my family, but they don't have a choice but to help... I think I owe him a lunch (and a Guinness evidently).

Thanks to all, even the guys that left a damn mess. ;)
My thanks to the organizers, volunteers and generous vendors for a great event! My first frag fest and it was fun! Found some great stuff, got some great deals, met some great people, learned a lot and won an awesome door prize, too! Thank you, all.


Lots of great pieces. Limited myself by showing up late and having tired kids with me.
Appeared to be quite a good turnout and wide variety of options.
Myself I only picked up some zoas but could easily have spent too much!

Thanks TFT crew.


Staff member
Website Admin
I must give a special thank you to all the members that dropped of some amazing frags. I mean seriously some amazing pieces. I am sure everyone saw how stupefied I was at the table, so I am not able to thank people individually. But without the members of this site, it would not be here. Without the amazing hobbyists in the area, these events would not happen. As much as Salty Cracker does a great job organizing the event; all while being extremely daring with all those blue and actinic lights while wearing shorts and pasty white legs, we need to give a special thank you to the hobbyists. Thank you all for making this event amazing every year. I am already looking forward to next year.


Super Active Member
the first one I've missed, damnit ! Had an event in Cambridge sigh :confused: looks like a good time was had by all ! Thanks for all who work so hard for this event to happen, I'll be at the next one ;)


Super Active Member
Thanks for a great event again Glen!!!

I wasn't really there to buy since I'm in the middle of the tank build (which means I only left with a small bag full of sticks...lol) but always fun to hang with the TFT crowd.....can't wait until the fall swap at Tony's casa.

Big thanks to JT for getting me some acrylic stuff on super short notice too!

This time next year I should be ready to do some serious shopping!!!