Update Message


Active Member
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Hi All
Just wanted to post an update to keep everyone in the loop.

I first want to apologize for not answering a few messages recently. I recently had a personal medical issue pop up that put me in hospital for a bit and I was not up to messages, emails etc.

I am doing fine now and things are ok, thank goodness.

For those of you who were waiting to hear from me about a few things, I'll be in touch this week.

The shop is coming along great and my father and I are getting things to the point where I will start stocking the coral and invert tanks shortly and invite you all to swing by. More details to come on that soon.

As always, thanks to you all for the support. Here's to great year ahead!
aka reefdiver


Active Member
Website Affiliate
Glad to hear your feeling better. But new store? Where and when is opening?
Shop is on Oxford St in London, I operate out of it now, but as I do deliveries etc I'm not always there. I am in the midst of finishing it up. I hope to be able to create store hours in a month or so. In the mean time, feel free to let me know if there is something you need