Moving Up To 220

Jason Bell

Active Member
Some new additions;




Jason Bell

Active Member
Mortgage payment, truck payment and kidney.

I'm not much for names, I have so many now couldn't even tell you, but these new ones are RR rainbow splice and RR bananarama. Picked up something called home wrecker and maybe hulk or green hulk. I just refer to all my stuff as the purple one, the pink one, yellow one etc.

Jason Bell

Active Member
One of my buddy's I've been dealing with for a long time, lots of stuff with fancy names, I get a majority of my pieces through him. He knows I'm not a seller, just a collector. Hopefully they grow as well as the others are, will make for an interesting piece.

Once the lights go down this evening I'll try and get some decent shots, this Android sucks. Daughter's iPhone pro takes great pictures in comparison, I'm hoping to get one in the next few weeks as company is switching plans.

Jason Bell

Active Member
Finally pulled the trigger and placed an order for 5 Radion XR30 Pro units, X mounts and rail kit. I love my AI Hydra units, but just can't get the pop I've witnessed with the same settings on a Radion. So that will be a big change all being well next weekend. Also upped my skimmer from the Nyos 160 to the 220, was love hate to begin with on the 160 skimmer, but it has grown to be my favorite, stable and reliable, pulls nasty nasty stuff, I expect the same from the 220.

That said will be posting the 5 Hydra 52HD units, rail and mounting equipment next couple of weeks along with the Nyos 160.