Definite improvement today, plan to do 2 more days of dosing, then start the hi cap gfo back up to try and strangle the remaining PO4 out of the rocks. Except for a slight stringy dusting on a few things (like the xenia, they are a magnet for this stuff) it's a marked improvement. still on the 4 hour only regime, and still trying to keep PH elevated. Fingers crossed that I have found a way of kicking this stuff while I bring my tank params as close to perfect as I can.
Actually, except for a little tweaking on a few of the LED's (add just a touch more blue), I am quite happy with the look of the tank. Oh aquascaping may not be what it would be if I did it all over again, but who is ever happy with their aquascaping?
Actually, except for a little tweaking on a few of the LED's (add just a touch more blue), I am quite happy with the look of the tank. Oh aquascaping may not be what it would be if I did it all over again, but who is ever happy with their aquascaping?